I am terrible at replying but I love getting messages, which makes me a terrible person. Nevertheless…
akimbocomix@hotmail.com (I know, hotmail.)
Everyone reading this is awesome and I can’t tell you how amazing it is that anyone reads anything I’ve made. If you’d also like to part with your hard-earned money to help support these otherwise free, sub-par comics then you can do so here:
and know that I appreciate it more than I can ever express.
I also have a Facebook page here:
if you want to leave a comment (the comments here have to be kept disabled) then I would be overjoyed.
And as always: please write me: akimbocomix@hotmail.com
Looks like everything worked, Brian is going to be re-uploading the missing comics too, so we are officially back in action.
The latest malware review got approved. I had to revert to a backup from February 2016. Whoever messed with the site must have been thorough about hiding stuff all over the place in both the database and the php files. I have a better backup system in place now (like 95% foolproof)
Comments are disabled for now. I will probably re-enable them once the dust settles and I am confident that there isn’t any more weird shit going on. Feel free to discuss the comics on facebook or wherever else you want.
I am sending Brian the image files of the comics that are now missing, these files come with the dates for them so he can re-upload them easily. Comments made since February 2016 are lost. Sorry it took so long to fix, pretty busy with real life.
Last but not least, if your browser warns you a site is unsafe, it probably is. If that happens to us again, just let us know and stay off until we get it fixed. We won’t upload new comics if chrome or firefox are blocking us.
This is an old version of the site because all newer backups were bad. Trying to get it back to working.