Onan is so fun to draw. My schedule has gotten lighter for the summer so hopefully I’ll be able to crank on some comics and update like a motherfucker.
omg, for the longest time my friends and i always have conversations of how one day roaches will rule the world! and you sort of visually described our convo’s with this! awesome! how about a world where animals are replaced with roaches.. street cat, dog, flock of duck sized roaches.. they need to be eradicated.. -anyway loved the strip.
Requesting more Onan and Sixty-9.
Jonny Paycheck: Seriously? I was under the impression no one liked them but me. I can do more Onan for sure.
I could write an essay on why I like Onan so much, but I think I’ll save that rant for when you make the next page 🙂
I can’t get enough Onan!
yup i like it too
omg, for the longest time my friends and i always have conversations of how one day roaches will rule the world! and you sort of visually described our convo’s with this! awesome! how about a world where animals are replaced with roaches.. street cat, dog, flock of duck sized roaches.. they need to be eradicated.. -anyway loved the strip.
For whatever it’s worth I find “Onan: The Last Boy” much cooler than “Onan: The Last Boy in the Universe”. Don’t know why.
Onan is great, love to see more