I’m kind of relying on antiquated comics tropes for the third panel. Pictured in last panel: disappointed readers. If it’s any comfort I am sincerely sorry for the harm I cause by compulsively making these comics.
Also, any time someone appears with both hands on hips we yell, “Akimbo!” and drink.
New stuff is in the works. Thanks for reading, everyone!
panel 3 = boss mechanic/electrician haha. nice variety!
I would like to highlite the cop in panel 4, that guy is my new hero lol.
Are you seriously getting negative energy? Every comic is a free gift to the world, which is more than most of us ever give…
Because hands are hard to draw “AKIMBO!”
Ahh, this is a good one…my boss almost always uses this phrase while screaming at some poor kid for some minor mistake.
Take care, man.
Now I’m going to start yelling Akimbo and drinking when I see someone with both hands on their hips. Thanks!