WOO-WOOO! Sheriff fuckin’ Chuck.
Always good to see that you’re in good enough shape to make these comics with school and all. At least its getting closer to the ‘Summer’. Good luck on your finals/thesis/whatever.
Not to pry too much into your methods, but I enjoy learning about the creative process.
How much of the plot is laid out in advance? I know writers like GRRM say they know the major points, but the actual path has to be created as he writes.
Thanks, I love Curious urgency – no idea how you keep all these plot lines straight in your head.
WOO-WOOO! Sheriff fuckin’ Chuck.
Always good to see that you’re in good enough shape to make these comics with school and all. At least its getting closer to the ‘Summer’. Good luck on your finals/thesis/whatever.
I love this comic.
Not to pry too much into your methods, but I enjoy learning about the creative process.
How much of the plot is laid out in advance? I know writers like GRRM say they know the major points, but the actual path has to be created as he writes.
More Curious Urgency. Now!
Shit! I saw this last page when it was on the mainpage. Then spent the last four days reading up to this point. And now I want more. T.T
I love this comic.